I've heard that lifting is not a suggestion... so I started lifting about 6 weeks ago! Roughly following Starting Strength, and making some progress in my strength. Obviously, diet is important to work on in concert, and to that end, I've been doing my best to minimize processed foods and maximize actual food, like steaks, chicken, eggs, vegetables, fruit, nuts, etc. I haven't started tracking anything (one step at a time...) but I have a hunch that I may not be eating enough. But that's probably a post for a different time.

Regardless, I'm about to be on vacation with my family for 10 days. I'll be staying in a hotel room and won't have access to cooking equipment to prepare food like I normally would. There will be plenty of meals eaten out (this is normal and expected). The rest of my family doesn't know I'm working out and trying to eat more heathly and may or may not put up resistance to it. I'm looking for suggestions on ways to eat as well as I can under the circumstances. Dinners and lunches should be OK as I can always order a steak or chicken but breakfast may be the most difficult. Any thoughts?