When I first became a Christian I could clearly see how God moved in my life. I had much more clarity and could see him guiding me clearly. Now it seems like I’m in a fog.

Is there anything I can do on my part to increase Faith and see God move like before? Some things weren’t even miracles just clear warning signs or open doors. I miss His presence.

I’ve been learning a lot biblically and have been gaining much wisdom. Maybe I’m in a valley right now or maybe this is just a season, idk.

I have been slacking in prayer, I’ll admit that. Which makes sense. The reason being is I’ve gotten comfortable with routinely going to the gym and work (making a decent salary) and occasionally hanging out with friends and going to church.

Anything I can do to get out of my comfort zone? I’m looking to grow and increase my Faith and see God live in my life.

Could you provide advice or maybe a testimony on your experiences?