For stats, check out my last OYS. I'm pretty new to RP Christians.
A week or two ago I matched with this girl on a secular dating app.
I just liked her photo because she was really attractive, like a 9. She actually responds and comments on something I had written in my profile about music. At that point I looked at the rest of her profile, and it's clear I wouldn't be interested in a relationship with her. She's liberal, smokes weed sometimes, and probably has a high N count. Basically a really attractive, liberal, partying sorority girl.
But I decided to message her because I figured why not? So I texted back pretty nonchalantly because I had nothing to lose. I didn't ask questions that much and tested to see if she would keep the conversation going when I dropped it. She did, though it took her awhile to respond sometimes. She was actually sort of interesting and not brain dead.
I figured she might be stringing me along for validation so I decided to ask her out to see if she was or not. I thought at that point she was going to ghost me. To my surprise she actually wants to go out. I've never had a girl this attractive want to go out with me.
She knows I'm Christian but doesn't know I'm serious about it. She doesn't know my political views or anything like that.
Another factor is that I've been feeling pretty crappy about my appearance lately. Due to learning about black pill stuff. But I thought that if I meet this girl in person, and she's interested in me, then that would help my confidence a lot. Also, it would be good practice going out with a really good looking girl. Just because I've never done it and don't have much confidence talking in person with girls like that. However, I think we are pretty much impossible for a serious relationship and she might want to even hookup if she does really like me which would be a tough spot.
My question is, what does RP Christians suggest I do? Should I drop it? Is it a good idea to go on a date with her or is that a mess waiting to happen?
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