I constantly struggle with the line between disregarding/ignoring this type of test to not look needy vs. putting my foot down and calling out rude disrespectful behavior.

Went out on a great first date Monday - she texts me a few days later saying she had a great time, I ask he when she’s free to get together again. She sends me 2 days as options. As we form a plan the texts get spotty with us both only replying once every 6 or so hours (I hate texting and she seems bad at it as well) so I say “when’s a good time for me to call you and we can figure out our plans, probably quicker that way”

She responds 8 hours later “sorry - long day. Can I call you tomorrow?”

I say “no problem. Yup let’s talk tomorrow”.

Tomorrow came and went and she never called. Seems like a shit test since she’s the one that reached out to me after the date so obviously she was still interested. Do I ignore this completely and wait for her to eventually reach out and act like nothing happened? Or do I point out “I thought you were going to call me”? I find it rude that she’d imply she was going to reach out and didn’t and I’m not sure if it makes me seem like a pushover to not acknowledge it. Help.