Girl I've been dating for a while asked me to get her some milk. I figured I'll pour a cup or whatever and bring it.

She then asks for the red top.

I'm like "whoa what?"

And she says the milk with the red top from the store.

I freak out and tell her no

Then about 10 minutes later she says she's ready (I was going to pick her up until she asked for milk)

I just said "lol" and went to bevmo since I had the car started anyway.

We had planned on hanging out and her sleeping over tonight..

She was blowing up my phone basically.

Ghosted her for a while and then said maybe her ex can pick up milk for her

She started saying blah blah you can't do me a favor, you think in a fucked up way, blah blah.

I said 'I know' and she replied with "how many more times are you going to make me cry this week"

Pics of text for better accuracy available upon request.

Some worthy mentions:

Doesn't drive...not me anyway. Will drive her family around though.

Doesn't have a car

Recently quit her job and hasn't really looked for another.

I work part-full time.

Have a car. Access to 4 cars total almost any time. Always pick her up and all that.

I feel like I shouldn't have to try as hard as her value has decreased significantly from the low point it already was.