Twelve days ago this happened: This title says it all. I asked her if I could kiss her. She said “what” and I responded with “can I kiss you”, she then proceeded to say no. The issue of having to ask is everything having to be consensual or not and i think in today’s day and age we men have to make sure. Will see her again tomorrow as we are in university classes together and study with a mutual friend group. How to proceed going forward? I know this is oneitis-ish, I just would like to know protocol. I get I need to fuck other women, I will do that tomorrow.

Tonight : Everything went back to normal after the events described above. I though the iois were there. Had a date-ish type night tonight , tried to go in for the kiss and she did not reciprocate, said that it has just been a long time for her, I honestly think she is a virgin. Maybe these are just massive shit tests as she may well be? I get that this is oneitis but I fucked a different woman last night. Going forward I think I am just going to treat this as a shut door.