Tldr; I spend too much time on the computer, tips?

Hello friends, I've been here for around half a year now. Being raised mainly by my mum and grandma, with dad working the majority of the year abroad(he is blue pill anyway, so it didn't change a lot) I was a perfect little beta, social anxiety and sitting at home all the time, just playing my precious video games. Hopefully, I've started to change, got some new friends who were into calesthenics and later I've found nofap, which led me here.

I was playing video games all my free time, a few hours a day and even more on weekends. Now I knew I had to change that, so at least now I do boxing 4 times a week, but it's really the only thing I do apart from school. The problem is, even though I stopped playing games, I've replaced it by either reading reddit or watching youtube. I think that I'm so used to living this way, that my mind deflauts to this activity.

My question is what activities can I do to occupy my mind and body, apart from lifting/going out? Maybe you have some interesting hobbies or things you do, even better if you've fought this addiction. By the way I'm 18 if that matters, living 1h drive from a big city.