I am currently reading Can't Hurt Me by David Goggins.

If you just see the title of my last post then tl;dr even at 17 I am wasting my time on porn, jacking off and playing mobile games and browsing social media.

I can easily taje out 1.5 years of my life right now and use then to focus on only my SMV, lifting, earning, improving skills etc. and then slow it down a bit for the remaining part of my life, so that I can start slaying in college at 19(even though college starts within 6 months).

So, can you suggest me 3-5 books that will motivate me(I know motivation is the wrong word, discipline is the right word, well then tell me books for discipline) to study and most importantly keep my mind free of porn and jacking off(I will PDF such books as my parents see the books which I order).

I have been allowed to order 1 book per week, so my next chance to order a book is this Wednesday, I am planning to read 1 book per week.

3-5 books only because after 3-5 books, I'd rather order books like Book of Pook, The Rational Male. You know the books on game, field etc.
