Hey TRP, I’ve got a question for how to handle my situation. Additionally, I’ve got a quick aside for how to deal with the more general issue I’m facing in academia.

I’m enrolled in grad school and as part of the class that I’m in, you team up with someone to work together on the final project. I didn’t know this guy beforehand. He seemed like a nice enough guy, nerdy, super beta male verging on incel, despite being married. As far as I’m concerned, I don’t care how you live your life, my only concern is that I’m happy with my own decisions and path. That said, I tend to be straightforward and always have been. While being respectful, I asked him a few questions regarding his level of commitment long term as well as asking him to perform some small tasks related to the project. He definitely dropped the ball on a few things but I didn’t nag or bitch, just asked him about it again. I’ve been carrying the weight, which is fine with me but just wanted to try to get him involved. He didn’t approach it the way I had hoped, so I followed up regarding the process of what I had asked him as well as sought to clarify a few things he had said in the past. Since then he has pretty much ignored me, and I sense that he has been talking shit to the people he’s close with in our shared class.

Honestly, it’s all good. As far as I care, I just want to have a positive outcome. He can say whatever he wants, I just want this project to go well to get a good grade. I would confront him about it but I feel like he is going to throw a shitstorm and make me come off as a dick. Unfortunately in academia (although similar to work environments) you have to be careful. Pretty much everyone over there are uber feminists, post modernists, blue pill, etc., you get the picture.

So I could leave it be and just deal with him at minimum, but this issue is just one example. The general issue I’m facing is, how does a RP man navigate the cucked world that is academia? Any academics here who can chime in would be great, but ultimately any insight is much appreciated.