I'd like to throw all hats in the ring on this specific dilemma. One of the biggest shifts in thinking I see from PUA to RP is the utility of DHV vs the critical nature of retaining Alpha Fux status, specifically in the context of money, status, profession, clothing, etc.

While PUAs often allude to maintaining a "temporary" image with things like keeping a messy apartment or sarging in plain clothing, they often lean into status or bling to increase their success rate.

So where do most of you fall on this spectrum? Do you say fuck it, show off and use your baller house/car whatever to pull as much ass as you can? Do you think RP theory has evolved to the point where this stuff is superfluous and should fall by the wayside? Or do you think the optimal approach is a delicate balance of peacocking and wowing while hanging onto your playboy/temporary character traits and sorting out genuine desire later?