Like, absolutely HAVE to?

When I say bulk and cut, I don't mean it in the sense of eating more and eating less since that's obvious, what I mean is do you need to get fat on a bulk phase, necessitating a longish cutting phase. I understand the need to eat more on a bulk, but the idea of eating a shit ton and lifting, gaining mass but also gaining a gut, and then 'cutting' just screams 'unnecessary' to me.

Keep in mind, I only want to be about 176lbs max at 11% body fat (I'm 5' 10"). Currently around 180lbs at 16%. Is it possible to eat over maintenance, but in a way that doesn't cause an explosion of fat gain? I don't mind doing hard work, but I do mind taking unnecessary steps.

I didn't think I'd need to, but I guess I should add that I've never lifted before and would be benefiting from noob gains.