My brother is 25 years old and still lives at home. He doesn't ever leave his room, only to help around the house. I've spoken to him a bunch about it, and he says that he wishes he could live on his own but he's 'too fucked up' to even bother, even stating that he's probably going to kill himself at 30 anyway so there's no point.

He used to have a job, but he said it affected his anxiety so badly that he had to quit or he'd probably have shot himself. I tried helping him get a job at the place I work at, but he said he'd be too unreliable, and eventually admitted he just didn't want to work.

I haven't seen him with a girl since he was 15, and with how poorly his social life became after highschool I know he hasn't gotten laid in that time - What's more fucked is he's actually a really good looking guy, and women always give him IOI's. He never wants to go out with me or my friends to grab drinks or girls, rejects invitations to go out camping or even just to come over and chill and watch the game.

I was never really the best brother to him growing up, and our father was an absolute asshole to him, so I've been trying to make it up to him and show him that I do care about him despite what he thinks. I know it's not a spite thing since he does hangout with me, but seeing him throwing his life away and hearing how he wants to die hurts me badly, and I don't know how I can help him through his issues.