Asking this question might sound conter-productive to one's mindset. But I will elaborate. In my life I have realized that whenever I could get a girl, it was usually the result of me having similar or higher value than her. Or at least this is what if felt like. People on here call this SMV. The easiest example is looks. When I'm on a date with a girl and she's significantly below me in terms of physical attractiveness, it's an easy job. There's an instant switch in the dynamic of the interaction room the momemt we meet. It can be felt. She's submissive. She knows I'm above her and can do better and I know it, too. When we're on a similar level of attractiveness, things are more balanced. When she's above me - then things get really difficult. Here's my problem :

I'm in my late twenties and I turn 30 next year. Things happened in my life that prevented me from progressing as fast as my peers. I won't get into detail but this has created the following problem : All women I'm interested in have more "value" than me. They are college educated, have travelled, have had more relation ships and are more experienced in life. I have done very little of that. I will start university at 30 (luckily, this isn't as uncommon in Europe as it is in the US). I believe this leaves me with lower SMV than them. Sure, I know I've had it much more difficult than them as I have experienced poverty and childhood trauma and I may have learned valuable life lessons along the way but this doesn't matter much in relation to women.

I know the correct answer is to work on myself so I can get there which is what I'm doing. But my question is : What to do in the meantime ? I don't intend on abstinating from dating as I seek intimacy and sex as everyone else. How do I present myself on dates and interactions ? How do I feel confident when I know the women that I'm going on dates with have more value in my eyes ?