Been with this girl about 5 weeks.
First three weeks or so we had sex often like 2-4 times per day, however now we're officially dating and both of us have met each other's parents and she's started saying no to sex. She never did that before she was always into it.
She says it's because she's in pain because I go really deep in her.
I confronted her about it today and she said it's because she's in pain but she also said she's so comfortable with me.
That's bad news huh? If she's so comfortable that she doesn't want to have sex that's some bad shit. How do I fix this?
Maybe we hang out too often? Also I think I may be too nice. I wasn't too nice in the beginning but now I actually love her so I think I'm too nice. How do I not be too nice?
Also she's from the Phillipines and in their culture i think they're not supposed to have sex before marriage so maybe being more serious about me makes her feel guilty not having sex before marriage? Idk
I think the problem was twofold:
That she was actually sore from too deep penetration and I was starting to act beta and not lead in the relationship,
I've almost finished no more mr nice guy and have read about the 12 levels of dread and I'm doing much better now.
I've started telling myself "I love you" which, weird as it sounds, gives me my cocky/funny vibe back and makes me lead in the relationship again. I also introduced a smidge of jealousy into the relationship.
We're back to 2-3 times/day now :)
Thank you all for your replies and input, I really appreciate it!
[–]Relaxredditrockstar18 points19 points20 points (14 children) | Copy Link
[–]1HurricaneHugues6 points7 points8 points (8 children) | Copy Link
[–]brokeboi556[S] 1 point2 points3 points (5 children) | Copy Link
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[–]savageinthebox1 point2 points3 points (4 children) | Copy Link
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