M/21/UK at Uni, talking to an asian girl on my course (english not so good) met her at a bbq asked about a night out.
We agreed to get shots at the club, I flake a few hours before (be busy) Me: When I'm back in Uni we'll catch up over drinks (dominant, I look busy) Her: hahah, you're not here now? Me: You can't answer a question with a question (playful) Her: lol I just did (shit test?) Me: Look at you, Sassy. I'm home for 1 week, you have enough time to pickup your outfit for drinks (playful, persistent, acknowledging her bad behaviour) Her:haha where are you going? Me: Birthday Parties in places X, Y, Z (look busy) Her (4:30am after the club I guess) So many parties (shit test??)
Thoughts? I'm considering going silent for an entire week now until I'm back at uni then re-engaging. Feel free to put out any problems in my above conversation too, always welcome feedback
Edit: I got laid with another girl hahah
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[–]Merica930 points1 point2 points (1 child) | Copy Link
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[–]Tiway220 points1 point2 points (0 children) | Copy Link