Why would I want to deal with shitty people, you ask?

Because I've never really had to do it before. I did not go to school like most people. I have had people do shitty things to me, but almost in all of those cases it was a "surprise", I handled it poorly, and then never had to deal with them again. Not because I cut them out of my life.. because they were never really in it.

Anyways, I have a competitive, crush the challenge type personality. I can literally dare myself to do something and suddenly my emotions are in check and I just sack up. I want to leverage that to grow from my interactions with shitty people, but require experience that is not random, and does not interfere with my life and goals. I'm hoping to apply the lessons I learn to my overall frame and dealing with people in the office, in my social circles, and when meeting strangers out in the wild.

Any suggestions are helpful.

Currently thinking volunteer work at some kind of drug shelter or rehab.