I've swallowed the RP, read the sidebar, along with much of the assigned reading. Knowledge isn't my problem, but being too logical is (so much that it's stunting my progress/growth). I get into situations with my LTR where she's asking me something and I know I should connect with her emotions, but I just can't, not totally. It's like I can understand a foreign language, but I can't speak it. I suppose that's a good thing, that I recognize what's going on, the subtext, but ultimately worthless if I can't take advantage of it.

For example, I ignored her for a day because I didn't like the way she was acting. Eventually she couldn't take it anymore and started questioning me. I agreed that I had been quiet, restating her observation. Then she asked why. I just said I was busy. I could see that she was sad and frustrated with my lack of emotion. In fact, I was being totally cold and analytical with everything. Isn't the best way to handle situations like this to ignore the "facts" and connect with her emotions? I know I should be doing that, but I can't seem to completely do that. We fucked later, so her actions tell me I'm still doing things right, but I'm wondering if I can do better.

TLDR; I know what I need to connect with her emotions, but I'm too logical. How do I overcome that?