Women always seem to have this one guy they are talking to, never seems to be single, I also don’t know where you meet them, how to talk to them.

I have missed many social developmental milestones, never had a girlfriend, never had any female friends in the first place, didn’t really have any friends at all In the first place, never even kissed a girl or even held their hand before.

How am I supposed to “catch up”?

I’m scared, I missed out on a lot of stuff In Life,never been invited to parties, never had any real friends, my plans always seems to backfire on me, I was the guy in school that was the outcast of the outcasts. Nobody wants to associate with me at all, I meet people with similar hobbies with me all the time at clubs and sports events but we just don’t “click”

I’m in the sidebar right now but I can’t find any advice for people that have absolutely nothing