Sounds like a stupid question, but honestly, it's a fine line.

As we know, being cultured and well-travelled raises your SMV perceived status. It shows you have a fun life and are not a boring one-dimensional person. It also shows you're financially stable, and depending on the girl it might even make them think you're straight-up rich.

But anecdotally speaking, many girls I game have never left their country... or have travelled to like 3 or 5 other countries at most. So depending on how you talk about your own travels (in my case I've been to 22 countries across 5 continents), it could easily come across as arrogant, condescending, or tone-deaf. If every time the girl tries to tell a story on the first date you respond with "reminds me of the time I was in rome/timbuktu/antarctica and...", you're not getting a second date.

So with that in mind, how can one maximize the aforementioned "reward" and minimize said risk? How often should one talk about their travels (frequency)? Under what circumstances should one bring up their travels? What phrasing should be used and what phrasing should be avoided (tact)?