So I live in a different city from my family and My mother calls/texts me minimum 3-4 times a day and if I don't respond she shows up at my apartment.
So I responded and she showed up anyways so I pretended I wasn't there.
Than again today she shows up 3 days later and is knocking on my door. I tell her to go away. (I don't want her showing up uninvited)
Now my entire family is calling me and trying to make me feel bad for not letting in my mother into my apartment.
My family is trying to bribe me etc and emotionally blackmail me etc. The thing is my family does not help me finacially at all and when I asked for help they said no.
And my mother in the past has invaded my personal space and will constantly wake me up early, take pillows away, not giving me privacy when I ask etc.
The last time i lived in a different place she showed up and the next day my roommate tried to fight me which is the big reason why I won't let her into my personal space.
[–]belgianaddict1 point2 points3 points (1 child) | Copy Link
[–]Reasonable-Sense-3771 point2 points3 points (0 children) | Copy Link