Alright I'm going to try to keep this short. I discovered TRP about two years ago and it changed my life. I lost a shit ton of weight and started to see a world that made sense. Let it be clear I was a casual red piller.

Well this summer involved the most amount of change for me. I'm losing my hair and decided to get a buzzcut(to all the guys losing your hair, do this now, it will not be as bad as you think, in fact a lot of people like it, I love it). I worked a really physical job over the summer and made a lot of money. So I put on a lot more muscle and started buying nice clothes.

So I come back to university right, I'm a junior. And the overwhelming amount of attention I'm getting from chicks is unreal. I mean a lot happened in three months, I found a good hair and beard style, I started dressing nicer and I got into much better shape. I couldn't believe it. I'm talking about actual hot college babes checking me out, wanting to talk to me in class and so on. My former beta self would have never fucking believed this possible.

So here comes my admission, I'm kind of overwhelmed. It's like I don't know what to do. In fact it's so much more than had ever happened to me in life that I'm kind of content with it. It's such an upgrade over my previous life.

So recently I've been slacking going to the gym, slacking going to class and staying on top of my work and so on because I am now reaping what I've sown, and I love it.

I know this can be a common problem but I want to know if anyone else went through something similar and can offer me some advice.

I know this seems stupid- "just keep going" but you guys know some mental afflictions are not so easy to overcome.

Any questions directed my way I'd be happy to answer.