I see the term thrown around like a beach ball on spring break in Cancun. I understand the definition, in its most strict terms, but hardly understand its use practically.

  1. How do you know which shit-tests require AnA? Especially in the heat of the moment of a conversation, what cues do you pick up on that say "oh, this is an AnA shit-test"? If the answer is "any shit-test can be solved with AnA", when is AnA preferred? When do you use it?

  2. What are some examples of AnA? If you could, maybe use some examples that are of varying complexity. A simple one, and maybe a more intermediate-level shit-test that requires an AnA response, along with it.

  3. What exactly is the purpose of AnA? What is it trying to solve, and how does it do that? A recent post said to deal with feminism by AnA; I don't get how claiming I agree with misandristic beliefs solves anything. It seems more passive aggressive - like a teenager just fed-up with their parents. "Yep, uhuh, yeah mom! I toooootally agree. I should try out for chess club!"

If there's a post that explains this in more depth, feel free to just link that. I'm genuinely confused and curious. I tried using the ol' Reddit search, but we all know how that is...