So pretty much I was talking to this girl about 3 months and recently we’ve started to talk about forming a relationship and talking about how well we could work together. We were fwbs already but we ended up being so close that we decided to try form a relationship. Anyway recently she told me that she has a really high body count (37) and that it’s so high because she gets bored of guys so she sleeps around (keep in mind we’re both 17). Right after I found out I told her that I’m sorry but I’m not comfortable dating a girl with that high a body count and if you get bored that easily then I can’t trust you to not cheat on me. She then goes on to call me a misogynistic piece of shit blocks me did I do the right thing?
[–]IAmCoochieMan 19 points20 points21 points (0 children) | Copy Link
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