So far, every real job i have had, i seem to piss off someone above me and it eventually costs me the job.

I am an incredibly relaxed guy and want nothing more than to do my work, provide a good productive vibe to the team and go home. But this seems to cause certain people to choose me as someone to demean as I seem like an easy target. This happens in real life as well but I have the option of cutting people off and/or attacking them back.

I am firm with my boundaries when they are challenged and this honestly makes the situation worse.

It has happened with my previous 3 jobs and is now starting to happen again with my new boss. My new boss is completely unapproachable as he has no leadership skills and a huge ego. This perception has been acknowledged by everyone including his boss, who i approach instead of him for queries.

Today he has accused me 3 times of making mistakes to which each time i have shown him proof that no mistake was made by me. This just makes him more resentful of me and he decides to come after me even harder.

I really have no idea how to deal with this and repeatedly keep finding myself in the same situation.