Turned 23 last month. Meditated on my sense of ennui. I’m not perfect, but I like to think I’ve internalized a lot of wisdom and trying to head in the right direction. I dress decent, I have goals, hella interesting hobbies, I’m told I’m funny/clever/wise/smart/blah blah, “very extra” and sometimes a smart ass or asshole to boot. Regardless, these are all compliments from strangers or former plates, which I often I clique very well with. Of course, there’s always room for improvement, much imperfections to wring out, and why I’m here.

I’ve sourced my sense of ennui, though, to two things: 1) I haven’t had a tribe since I was in high school, which I prematurely dropped out of since my dumbass parents forced me to. Only ‘friends’ I’ve had since was one shitty “best friend,” plates/LTR, coworkers or guys I’d befriend at places of business I’d frequent. These relationships typically do not progress anywhere. 2) I have not traveled much, nor have I had a lot of crazy/wild experiences. Never went to a party that was good, and most of my crazy/wild experiences can just be summed up to kinky sexual experiences or former drug use. No bonfires, crazy parties, etc like the shenanigans that cliques get into, which is a flavor of life I really, really miss.

Of course, I’m trying to comprise ideas on where to go from here; not just here to bitch. I know hobbies are the best way to form contacts, and I’m looking at it from those angles:

  • Music; I’d love to get together and collab with someone or a group to produce some good shit. No idea on where to meet others besides maybe a music store.

  • Reptiles; there are expos for these too and I can see it taking a fun angle if I were to host a booth at a show one of these days. Still, that would require me to produce livestock to sell and that shits gonna take a few more years. I also know there are people who go on hikes looking for wildlife to photograph etc and wilderness adventures are fun. There won’t be any shows to meet these types until lockdowns are lifted, though.

  • Longboarding; not much different in concept from the music stuff. Skate shops and so forth. To add on, obviously there’s expos for all these hobbies, but as previously stated, they won’t be active for a while.

I’ve also considered going to college once this meme flu subsides. Regardless, as charismatic and charming as I know I can be, I need to up my networking game 10x and any pointers or ideas from y’all would be badass. I basically just want to do dumb young people things while I’m still young and dumb.