This has been etched in my mind from a long time now and recurs with every sleepless night I have. I realized that most of my goals, namely, bodybuilding, meditation, reading, etc, were set up by me not for myself but for others in hopes of being looked up to as 'that cool guy'. Don't get me wrong, I love bodybuilding, meditation, reading, and yada yada, but I hate where my motives lay. I despise the thought of chasing validation around like a carrot on a stick.  So basically the foundation and motivation of my dreams and goals are for others? Man thats fucking bullshit. I mean isn't the point of self improvement to be independent and to make your life your own? How is that possible in my case when I depend on others so much for their validation? I want to stop living my life for the sake of others. I want to not give a fuck anymore.