Went with my gf to the cinema yesterday. We watched a movie and everything was fine (she paid) until she started complaining the popcorn is sweet and she doesn't like it. I just told her to stop and enjoy the movie.

She complied. Afterwards a friend of mine hit me up and I told her that I'm going to meet him since he drove an hour just to see me. She complained saying that she doesn't like people and she is going home. My response: "alright. I'm not coming with you tho". She complained again saying that it supposed to be our night out. I ignored her and walked towards my friend.

She followed me and we went to a bar. Had a great time with my friend and her. Friend left. I escalated with her (touching, kissing). On my way home she starts complaining again, telling me I don't show her love and I don't give her attention to which I responded: "alright, next time I won't go out on a date with you."

She: Why? That's not what I want"

Me: "And I had fun but your nagging was in the way"

She: "what about my happiness?"

Me: "that's your responsibility boo boo"

Her: "but I am your gf!"

Me: "you really think I will treat you differently even tho I treat my family like that aswell?"

This went on all the way till we arrived at my place. I ate something and shared with her. I started looking for more food and she said: "can you stop?"

I said: "what?"

She: "ignoring me"

Me: "I'm looking for food what's your problem?"

Her: "That's not what I mean! I will go"

Me: "then do it"

Her: "omg! You really don't care do you? I will break up if you don't stop pretending"

Me: "fine"

As I sat down and tried to eat she took my plate and pulled it away from me. I looked at her and told her to quit her bullshit. She took a lighter and tried to lit my beard. I grabbed her arm and told her: "one more time and you are outta here"

She of course did it again and I kicked her out.

Now she writes me that she hates me. I will ignore her and probably soft next her.

Is this the right approach to the situation?