Brief Background: I'm finishing up my Postgraduate degree on Management, Finance & Accounting. Over the next days, I'll have to choose a dissertation topic related to Management specifically.

I've been on TRP for 9 months now and I have read multiple books, including philosophy and life theories, but I have never applied them on any of my written papers so far. However, for our dissertation topic, we are asked to implement our own ideas/values/theories and mix up management-related theories with various other topics such as sociology, anthropology, philosophy etc. For example, I have been reading a lot about stoicism lately and I would like to use such ideas in my paper.

My teacher was pretty open through our discussion and at some point (during class) the topics of "Sexual harassment in the workplace" or "Gender Inequality" popped up and through his sayings i've come to realize that he is leaning towards the "feminist" side of the spectrum. While discussing with him in personal, I haven't mentioned any of my beliefs (I lean towards the MRA spectrum but not in extreme levels).

My question is: Do you guys have any suggestions to me as to my topic selection, ideas/theories implementation etc?

ATM, I am thinking of choosing a topic relating to Leadership (How a MAN can be a true leader in the workplace), or maybe even choose a Gender Inequality topic but, to their surprise, supporting men's rights in the workplace (although existing literature might be hard to support this). From my teacher's advice, we are encouraged to write about a "controversial" topic, as long as we elaborate carefully and support our theories and ideas.

Please, I would appreciate advice by people who have studied or are proven to be successful in their careers. If this question is not suitable for this subreddit, I completely understand and will delete this post. Thanks.