It has come to our attention that a reporter is requesting interviews for a newspaper article about the Red Pill, this time specifically about women being involved with a group with a reputation as misogynistic. They've approached some of our members at RedPillWomen this week.

If you are asked to do an interview, we ask that you consult the mod team before agreeing.

To the reporters: We appreciate the interest and publicity, but this isn't our first rodeo. We've experienced reporters who approached us under false pretenses, then went and wrote a slam piece. This practice leaves us jaded, cynical, and reluctant to cooperate; keep this in mind because it makes the work of all journalists more difficult in the future. Feel free to contact the Mod Team directly at the link above.

Edit to clarify some points that have come up:

  • We're aware that we cannot directly control what reporters ultimately write, the flow of information, etc
  • We CAN achieve better outcomes by informed engagement of reporters, as opposed to stonewalling or naive engagement
  • We're not demanding you seek our permission, nor limiting what you can or cannot say
  • This is an invitation to consult with senior TRP members like RedPillSchool, who have experience with interviews
  • I'm a mod at RedPillWomen, for those wondering who brings this announcement

More resources.

RedPillSchool's post about when he was interviewed for a Guardian article.

Recent article about TRP and MGTOW in The Economist.