He is 25 and has no experience. He met her at his job and he texts her 24/7 and talk on the phone. I literally seen him anxiously wait for her to text back.

Should isay anything? I'm 21 and I've had LTRs in the past.

I feel like if she ends up friendzoning him and putting him as an orbiter, hed be extremely depressed and revert to his old ways of playing video games all day. He's been working out lately and I think that's one of his motivations. But he refuses to speak to other girls or meet new people.

And I haven't mentioned any of this to him about the red flags but she's fat, got tats all over her body which is a red flag, and uses social media to post semi nude pics.

And I hope that she doesn't make him a stepfather for two men.

Any suggestions