Well before I begin let me just say I have lent advice on here before but I have never asked for advice until now. I've been redpilled for quite some time and genuinely never allowed myself to be played or taken advantage of. I like to "think" I have all the answers but every now and then life throws something at me that I can't even understand.
Months ago me and my ex broke up. The relationship was pretty good and the communication was always there. But too much communication can be a bad thing too. The more we talked the more we disagreed, the more we disagreed the more we argued. We made roughly the same income but you could never tell because I was just simply smarter with money. I didn't care what she bought i loved that she supported herself and didn't ask me for anything ever really. We were gonna move together but clashed alot. We dated for a year and a half and during that time we had a separation. Coincidentally I met another girl shortly after. Once she realized that, she went out and dated someone else too. All during a span of about a month my new situation had fell apart and hers did too. And she reached out and asked to work things out. I did the dumb move of becoming fwb with her and then she became my girlfriend again. I met her family and all that stuff.
Fast forward to earlier this year and the topic of moving together happened again. I wasn't with it. Relationships are a bit much. Too much work and too many agendas...and then my redpill mentality maybe plays a part. The only thing that kept me around was the sex, communication and the fact that I didn't have to pay for expensive dates and all that crap. Messed up as that may sound it's true plus i legitimately loved playing games and having movie nights with her. She was happy with having game nights and going to museums and movies (pre-covid). She just loved quality time. Then suddenly her attitude changed and she started saying she needs space and all this stuff. She started getting lazy when I came around. She used to love to cook but it absolutely stopped. She always was sleepy. Communication became worse when I'd be at work. Me being me and knowing a woman's nature i just naturally figured before i get too caught up in thinking what she's doing or not doing let me explore other options. Long story short, we had a big falling out when she went out with one of her girlfriends one night. She was hard to reach and by the time she tried to call me let's just say I became hard to reach. This was a Saturday night. The following morning on Sunday i was at work and she was off at home. I figured why the hell you wanna talk now? We were both off work last night and you chose where you wanted to be, don't call me while I'm on the clock. We had an argument and broke up shortly after. It was very much mutual. When i got my clothes from her place i said don't call me lose my number. Her reply was and i remember vividly "I won't ever call you again.. I've moved on."
When a woman says they moved on, to me that means they met someone else and moved on.. correct me if I'm wrong. Idk. But anyways 5 months later and she's reached out to me several times with messages and I've blocked her number. She called from a different number and I blocked that too. My mind is telling me that she probably dated someone else and it didn't work out and now she trying to get back into my life. I dated someone briefly and it didn't work. I'm completely single right now and because of covid i haven't been successfully dating at all. The gf thing is out, but if you were me would you mess around with her in any way even just as friends?
[–]sdfsdaaasw10 points11 points12 points (4 children) | Copy Link
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[–]sdfsdaaasw1 point2 points3 points (0 children) | Copy Link
[–]TXJohn832 points3 points4 points (0 children) | Copy Link
[–]KuritaT1 point2 points3 points (3 children) | Copy Link
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[–]Tambamwham0 points1 point2 points (1 child) | Copy Link
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[–]mikkeldaman1 point2 points3 points (1 child) | Copy Link
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[–]Tambamwham0 points1 point2 points (0 children) | Copy Link