My friend is an engineer heading towards his masters, his girlfriend is getting her doctorate. She does not want to take his last name, saying that she did not go to school for 8 years to become Dr. "Potential husband's last name," her work, her name. She also is of the mind that if she carries the children they should take her last name too being that she's going to carry them through pregnancy. She says her father's bloodline would end (my friend's family's bloodline would not end) without it.

This is a fairly logical argument.

While I am against it, I'd like to give him a better reasoning to combat these arguments than just

"That's just how it should be."

Because that argument is semi based in ego.

Outside of this disagreement they seem to get along really well, I've known him for over 10 years and their personalities complement. They want a long term relationship.

I'd like some mature commentary please refrain from just insulting the couple and I'm not sure my friend is red pill aware.

What are the most important reasons the wife should take the husband's name and the children should take the father's name logically? What are the rational arguments?