Hello lads,

This post is fucking embarrassing to be writing here, but I'm at my wits' end and need some advice (harsh if needed).

Just a little background: Was abused by my father up until my teens when he passed away. Grew up dirt poor (was so poor the government paid for me to go to high school, because most working class males in my country drop out of school.) Sister has incurable freak back injury which she has to take opiates to suppress and has tried to kill herself on numerous occasions. Leaving out other stuff as I feel fucking pathetic even typing this out.

I worked my fucking ass off from nothing to get into an Ivy League. Had mental health issues in college, to the point where I tried to hang myself on numerous occasions, and so had to take an extra year as a result. Bringing us to the present: I have worked my ass of to get best grades as possible in this extra year (my routine was gym, study, sleep). Got covid in March and have been sick ever since so, i bottled my final exams. Ex fucked my good friend, and both of them have graduated with better grades and jobs than me (this is my fault: hang around with suspect people, win stupid prizes.) Mum lost job due to covid, and so we are struggling to keep a roof above our heads.

At college, I'm surrounded by the most fucking priviledged people you could imagine: the sprogs of management consultants, diplomats, and foreign dignitaries who haven't worried a day in their life, and it just makes me feel more bitter as they swan through life.

Lads, i keep swinging, and I keep swinging, but I'm in my early 20s now, and I just don't know how long I can keep this up. The past 20 something years have been rough and I feel like I'm fighting against the tide here.

Long story short: are there any guys who could give a younger fella some advice here because I've never had an older male figure I could shoot these sort of questions to, and have just had to learn on the fly. Any advice would be much appreciated as I just can't see any light at the end of all this, even if you need to call me a pussy and to man up.


Still feeling ill as shit, but finally got my results. Somehow graduating with a 3.75gpa. University won't pull my grades up which is shit considering I've been incredibly ill since March. I'm glad then, I didn't quit with the studying or i would have been fucked. Glad to be leaving this place.

Very humbled by all the kinds words. I'm usually not this much of a pussy. I've concluded that this covid long-haul im currently facing has just fucked with my head - feeling tired and having to lie down all day for several months will do that I suppose.