I became really close with this girl back in high school with the intent of dating her, but the timing was never right. After moving to college, every time I would come home we would meet up and catch up.

Fast forward to now. I'm home for the winter break and I ran into her again. A lot has happened since we last saw each other and she recommended getting lunch and catching up...but with her husband and son this time. This comes as a shock not because she's married with a kid (I knew about this), but because this is the first time she wants her husband to tag along. The expression on my face must have given me away because she quickly mentioned it was because her husband wants to get to know me since she talks about me from time to time.

So what do I do? I'm new to TRP so I don't know the best approach when it comes to this situation. I'm 22 and she's 25. I know for a fact I'm not battling with oneitis. I've moved on and I'm currently focusing on improving myself, but I do consider her close because we helped each other out through some shitty situations in life. Any advice is appreciated!