I occasionally read through personal ads on Craigslist, even though most of them are in reality spammers or homosexual men pretending to be women.

Anyway, one ad in particular caught my eye, because it was rather unusual - http://i.imgur.com/xeGAlbR.png

I decided to email her, just for giggles. It was a short email, just providing some basic info about myself and asking her a few questions about herself. I didn't get a reply, which is quite common when replying to CL ads.

So a week or two go by and I completely forget about the ad. Then today, my inbox contains a message with this wall of text - http://i.imgur.com/GGiWKNj.png (part one) http://i.imgur.com/gDTw7EP.png (part two)

Yeah, she's kooky, for sure. But if you actually read through it all, there are definitely some lessons from TRP buried in there.

For example, she fell hard for an Alpha when she was young and has been kept in line for years by Dread Game. She is now looking to Branch Swing to a Beta Bux White Knight who will rescue her now that she's well past The Wall.

Anyway, just thought I'd share this mildly amusing example of a woman being a woman...if you can think of any particularly humorous replies, share them in the comments. (I'm not planning on replying otherwise, for obvious reasons.)