I'm about to turn 29 and just starting 2.5 years of college to get an actual lucrative career going. I've been thinking more and more about freezing sperm and getting a vasectomy as a sure means to birth control. The way I see it I'll be able to raw dog my LTR with zero worries and pump her with as many creampies as I want.

Its about $200 per year (cheap as fuck) to store sperm where I live so this is a real, affordable option for me right now. Is it worth it? I've had only a few preggo scares in my life but they literally scared the shit out of me and every time I have sex now I'm in my own head paranoid even with a condom & her on the pill, as in I will pull out and nut in the condom instead of inside her as I'm scared of it popping.

The only downside I see here is using that frozen sperm to eventually have kids will costs a couple grand for the procedure/tests but by the time I'm ready for that I'll have a career anyways so it shouldn't be too much trouble.

Men of RP, do you think vasectomy is worth it?