Every Christmas and New Years, I spend an entire day with my mother’s family—her sister, her brother and my cousins. The blue pilled me before was unaware of how things were going, until TRP came along. One day I realized that the entire frame was always headed by my mother’s older sister, my aunt. Aunt has a husband, I assume know he’s a legit beta. He never took control of the frame when it comes to family gatherings. He was just passively there. My aunt, on the other hand, always wanted to control the frame, likes to be on the spotlight. I knew she optimized her hypergamy with my uncle. With that said, my aunt bred three girls (ages 27-34, they are post-wall) and one extremely beta male (25, same age as I), more beta than I was during my BP days. This went on for most of my reunions with them. What bothers me is that my mother is also in on it, and that I’m ‘forced’ to be in on it too. All my cousins operate on a frame where everything’s materialistic, trapped in that corporate world type of mindset. I’m bothered by it because I refuse to operate on the same wavelength. Whenever I socialize with them, I am always ridiculed with Man Up and shaming mechanisms to further strengthen the feminist frame. As a coping mechanism, I always revert to being silent, on my phone or reading a book while they are in front of me talking about matters of consequences. I always think of it as sacrificing an entire day just so this 'reunion' could serve its purpose, but other than that things just don’t seem authentic, and they know it too. It may be a cultural thing, but it’s something I just can’t seem to follow through with a red pilled perspective.

I will be in this said reunion in a few hours and I can't wait to expect the same thing to happen over again.

It's funny and weird at the same time that after reunions with them, I always go home with a need to 'rewire' myself.