I had a date with a tinder girl on wednesday, everything went very well but no logistic to invite her at my place

Few hours after the date, she texted me first on IG :

Her : "I don't know what you think, but as for me, i really had a great afternoon with you :)"

Me : "Yes it was was nice, lets meet again friday night"

Her : 'It will be complicated for friday because i have my friends coming this week end, but we can meet again next week, monday?"

Me : "Fine, don't drink too much vodka this week end to be in a good shape on Monday :D " (its basically a joke as she told me like vodka a lot when we had our date)

She basically liked my text with no answer (but she told me she doesnt text much when we had our date)

Should i wait for her to text me back on Monday or should i text again on monday like "Lets meet at 7pm at my place for meal?" (will be double text)
