Been 5 years since I left hs and I purged both my FB and insta which I kinda regret. Deleted all pics except my profile pics and deactivated. Now I'd like to get back into the socials but I'm not sure if suddenly posting on a 7 year old insta is a smart thing to do. I have about 300 followers, only 30 or so of which are people that are still active and knew me from hs. Rest is ghosted accounts.
Thing is I don't wanna make a new insta as I only know like 5 people irl now so it would be difficult to get anything more than 50 or so followers, if that.
Same thing with Facebook, except I have a lot more people that knew me there, probably around 150 I'd say. And with FB, people don't tend to make new accounts so I don't have to go making new friends etc.
And lastly I've got somewhat of a 'oneitis' that I'd like to get in contact with from hs lol. She knew me and only spoke rarely in class but that's about it. I need social proof before even considering contacting her.
First post here, all help is appreciated thanks.
[–]_9teen6 points7 points8 points (1 child) | Copy Link
[–]AuberyBitoni1 point2 points3 points (0 children) | Copy Link