I'm about to break up with my first girlfriend who I've been dating for 2 months. Upon realisation, I need to get myself together as I have been living in her dorm for months now.

Yesterday she didn't come home and I found out that a white knight had convinced her to break up with me. This morning I packed all my things and went straight back to my room. Her key is still with me and still no response from her. I couldn't hold my tears back and cried a little in my room... I have invested too much into this average girl because I was lonely moving into a new country into a university.

I am a bit lost right now... There is a lecture later and I feel so empty inside. I really want to get my life back in order but right now it's in chaos. I have put myself into a routine and now it's broken...

Sorry brothers for this negativity I needed to rant to someone somewhere...