Hello fellas.

I am in my senior year of engineering school. I am also in the school's ROTC. I will have a career as an engineer and will be in the Naval Reserve. I am 27 years old. (It took years of partying to figure out what my plan would be.)

I am in a very frustrating situation. In the ROTC unit, a 19 year old freshman female was promoted to "division officer." This means that she is in an administrative duties and command of 12 or so cadets. She was placed in this position so that she could gain some leadership experience. I understand that it is a necessary part of the training. Fine.

The problem is that this girl henpecks me constantly. She calls me before workouts to make sure that I will be there. She shows me no faith or respect in this regard. I won't bore you with other examples of her insolence. I have been in this program for 3.5 years and have never needed a babysitter. If this was normal life, I would read her the riot act and make her afraid to even look at me.

This isn't normal life though. By the nature of a military structure, I am obligated to respect the chain of command. If I act out of line, I will face consequences from the real Naval officers in charge of this program. I respect these men. Insubordination is grounds for dismissal from the program (I doubt that would happen to me, but I don't want to push it). Dismissal will hurt my pride, prestige, and finances.


Has anyone had a similar situation that can shed some light? Do I play the part of a cruel bastard and face the Lieutenants, or do I go full on monk style, swallow my pride, and feel oppressed.

edit: Thanks for the sage wisdom, men. I'm going to fix my attitude use this tyranny as a source of strength. There is no need for me to stoop to such a low level.