Before I started lifting I thought lifting would make my life better cause id be stronger and some magically switch would flip and make me happier. But now that I’ve been lifting consistently for around 6 months I realized lifting is just like any other pursuit. As you make progress you see the progress manifest itself in the mirror. Before we start lifting most of us are insecure and repress ourselves a lot because we don’t think we’re worthy enough to. But once you start lifting you start be proud of yourself, you realize you have some sort of power and you prove to yourself you can get stuff done which feels really good. I think subconsciously over time your brain starts to think YOU ARE GOOD ENOUGH because it sees the progress in the mirror. Once you start to feel worthy you naturally start to express yourself and be yourself more. I would always repress my actions and my words literally in every conversation I had and honestly I still do. But I’m realizing that I’m losing that filter and that filter is what blocks us from being ourselves. Lifting gives you the confidence to ignore that filter. You start to think you are valuable enough to express and put your presence onto others. Your no longer feel shameful to just exist.