So I get that a large part in a relationship is the trade of sex for emotional, financial and other support but what about a guy being emotionally attracted to girl in the traditional sense or is this some beta trait I still have I need to quell?

This has come up after doing pickup for almost two years now and not once coming across a girl I was emotionally attracted too, heck even my last girlfriend before I discovered RP or pickup I didnt even feel that emotionally attracted too. But tonight I met up with my ex girlfriend from five years ago, the last girl I was emotionally attracted to (if your wonder what I mean by that still, I mean that strong, warm, euphoric feeling in your chest you get when you are around a someone you want to be with) and I have met up with her a few months back but tonight that same feeling came back for the first time in five years. Im honestly shocked, sad and dont know what to do as I cant be with her (shes Christian whos against sex before marriage, i an Atheist) but thats not the point and im just wanting to know if this kind of emotional attraction is normal in cases were its warranted despite the one I just described probably not being one of them.