I need some advice on this situation. Yesterday some guy cut me off in traffic and I raised my hands like "what the fuck?". Next thing I know this guy stops next to me at the traffic lights and proceeds to run over to my car. I rolled the window down and this dude start shouting and screaming at me. I was kind of flabbergasted and didn't really say much. It didn't take very long and next thing I know he got back in his car and drove back (apparantly he actually went out of his way to follow me).
I didn't really think much about it. Usually in confrontations I know how to fire back, but this surprised me. However, today I feel a bit strange and less 'man'. I don't really have any motivation to workout and I don't really want to see my gf. Anyone else experience something like this? It's very strange because right now I'm almost aching to start a fight and 'prove myself' to myself or something?
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