I'm sure everyone here remembers their mom getting upset with them going out into the cold in light clothes, or even a little scared about their son going out in even mildly threatening weather. "Text me when you get there". No.

It's annoying from my mom, it's even worse from potential plates. Just told one to fuck off but there are many left and I'm not sure I fully get what's going on well enough to stop it.

I'm a musician. Since I play metal, part of my stage show is to punch my bass on certain notes until my hand starts bleeding as profusely as I can get it. Usually I don't get much out but when I do it or post pictures of it somewhere I get comments from chicks worried about me, or something like that one time when a girl followed me out of bar with a shot of alcohol and bandages trying to patch me up.

Don't they realize I'm trying to do this? I'm on my way to being the next Pelle Ohlin and they're worried about my health?

The first few times it was kinda funny. In retrospect, it's fucking annoying. I'm fine, better if anything different. This isn't the attention I want or need.