Now, I'm going to go ahead and assume that anyone reading this doesn't want to have sex with their Mother, Sister, or Daughter. If you do, don't worry about this topic, just go ahead and click the back button.

For the other 99.999% of us, why do we get our panties all in a wad when our female family members are just wanting to do the same thing everybody else wants to do: get laid. I've always found this to be one of the strangest human traits that exists. No other animal experiences this phenomena. What makes us so prone to twat block someone who we DON'T have any interest in fucking. If you're mother/sister/daughter wants to fuck, and let me assure you, they do, then why in God's name would you want to get in the way of that. You have nothing to gain. Nor do you have anything to lose when it does happen. TRP teaches that women want to be fucked hard and fast by every Chad they see, well let me remind you, AWALT and your mother/sister/daughter are part of ALL WOMEN. What gives?