Inspired by a thread on here I read about a woman who claimed that she had an "oral agreement" with her millionaire husband that he would get rid of the prenup after they had kids - she pulls some shady shit and decides she's not in it for love, she's going to take as much as she can for this guy who worked his entire life for his fortune.. (judge threw out the prenup - she got a bunch of shit she didn't deserve that the guy thought he had protected with the prenup, etc.)

Having watched my mother divorce rape the shit out of my father while he worked 40 hours per week, lived in a terribly small 1 bedroom apartment above his sister's house for years, and nearly put a bullet in his head because of her, I can sadly say that even the woman who gave birth to me fits this mold. She even tried to get child support or alimony or some shit as early as a few years ago, when all her kids were over the age of 18, for the simple fact that she felt she was "entitled to it" (while working a full time job at the time).

Now if my mother is the average for that situation, then it really does depress me for the sake of married men everywhere.

Thankfully this isn't happening to me, but over the years I've noticed that the vast majority of women have 0 sympathy in divorce court for their former husbands. They are perfectly happy taking everything they can from him, including his children and his dignity, without even a second thought. It's almost like psychopathic behavior and it seems like every women - the sweetest, kindest women you could imagine, are all capable of doing this.

Furthermore, even if that man gets sent to jail, it seems like the woman has no sympathy for that either..

Now I've met the exception to this rule (she is, for now) but on the whole, the situation I've stated above is far and a way the most common, while the man just has to sit there and listen as the judge reads out all that she is taking from her, while she sits there and enjoys it, and sure as hell doesn't contest any of it, or says "I think that's a little unfair - I'm getting too much".

No, she wants to rip out his soul.

Why is this? Why do women going through divorces suddenly change their tune and turn into complete psychopaths during the divorce court process?