I regularly see attractive girls with the most average/ugly guys. It’s weird because they act so picky but then choose guys like this. I usually assume they must have some other redeeming attributes like personality, charm, intelligence, money etc. but they are almost always losers and often mistreat them. Makes no sense really. I’ve also had many occasions where girls have been attracted to me but when I approach them they brush me off. Then they end up w guys less attractive, it really makes no sense. Extremely irritating.
A 7-8/10 girl can post a selfie and get hundreds of likes instantly. An equally attractive guy will be lucky to break 100.
It is clear that looks are really only helpful in getting their attention initially, a handsome face will get you the interview but not the job.
[–]Curious_Educator342515 points16 points17 points (7 children) | Copy Link
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