In America, I constantly see HB8-10 women with average dudes. It’s just the norm, because there’s so many 8-10 women to go round, they’re obtainable for very average guys.

In the U.K, if you’re an average looking guy you’ll be lucky to get with a 4. The 8-10s are so rare, that, unless you’re a footballer or some other high status person, they’re basically unobtainable.

If you’re an 8-9/10 guy looks wise, you’re forced to settle for 6-7s at best, if you’re lucky you might land an 8 one time.

The average American girl between the ages of 18 and 22 would be a solid 8 here in the U.K. the average british girl in America would be a 3 or a 4 if they’re lucky. The same cannot be said for guys. So there’s a huge imbalance in the sexual marketplace.

Why is this?