Good evening TRPers (or morning, depending on where you are).

Things have been improving with me since I started applying this stuff to my relationship with my wife.

However, tonight, for some reason, my wife was being pissy.

I got home and we had dinner and everything seemed fine. I took our kid outside to play before it got dark and to give my wife some time to relax etc. When it started getting dark I came in and she took him to give him a bath. So far so good.

Then after the bath she came out, gave him to me, and said "I'm going to the bathroom", which is what she often does when she doesn't want to do anything and just sits on the toilet and looks at Instagram or watches Youtube videos.

I assumed, based upon precedent, that she was putting him to bed, because our habit is that one person puts him to be while the other person relaxes then we switch. Since she was giving him a bath and getting him ready, that would logically lead to her putting him to bed.

So we watched some kid videos on Youtube for a few minutes, and then at bed time I sent him to his mom. (He's 2.5).

She sent him back and said "Did you just send him to me?" "Yes". I told you that I was going to the bathroom and you to put him to bed." (she didn't). "No you didn't." (as I'm taking him into the bedroom and she's following me talking loudly "Yes I did, I'm 100% sure." "Well, you're 100% wrong." Then I stopped engaging her and started reading him a book. Put him to bed after a few books and songs etc and came and asked her if she wanted to watch a movie. She said in a few minutes.

I came out to the family room. A couple minutes later she came out and said "you left the curtains in his room open, now when it gets light out in the morning, he's going to wake up too early." "That's ok, we'll just go in and close them once he's asleep." Her: "I'm going out." Me: says nothing and just keeps doing what I'm doing. It was ok, but I wished after I'd said, right away "have fun!" But I didn't think of it. She goes back in the bedroom for a minute, comes back out and leaves. I say "have fun!" right as she's walking out the door. She says nothing.

Note: she doesn't know anyone here, so there's no worries there.

Note 2.0: She's probably just going to drive around, I bought her a car a few days ago and I think she's just exercising her newfound "freedom"

Note 3.0: Also, I feel like she thinks this is some sort of dread game (not like she knows what that is) but just she knows it's something I won't like, so she's doing it for that reason, though she'll just say, if confronted, that she wanted alone time.

How did I handle it?

TLDR: Wife is pissy, says "I'm going out", doesn't know anyone though, I say nothing but "have fun". How did I handle it?

Edit: 10 minutes later she came back in. I said "How was your drive?" She said "I was gonna go to Macy's but they're closed."

Then I put a movie on.